Arrrr! There be pirate treasure unburied at Kellybell Designs! In honor of today's release of Pirates of the Caribbean; On Stranger Tides..... Kellybell's original Yo Ho Yo Ho kit has been let out of the vault for this weekend ONLY!!! It will be available for 50% off thru Sunday... then BACK into the vault it goes!!
Kelly also made a BRAND NEW ADD-ON to match it! The Add-On will be on sale for 25% off thru Sunday then back to regular price $3.50! So if you have the original already... you won't want to miss this Arrrrg-citing addition to your pirate-scrapping treasure chest!!
These kits are perfect compliments to each other and look awesome together!! Look at what I made, by combining them!

Not enough pirates for you?? Well keeping with the theme... Kelly also has Walk the Plank on sale through Sunday at 50% off!
Well.... Johnny Depp may be the Star of the Pirate's of the Caribbean films..... but Kelly has her OWN STARS that shine and help make every kit release a success... her Creative Team! Today, it's time once again to shine a spotlight onto one of Kelly's awesome CT girls! This month we want you to meet LINDA!
Stop over at Kelly's blog and see Linda's interview! Then be sure to stop over at Linda's blog and say hi and pick up the awesome EXCLUSIVE freebie she has made for you!
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